Thursday 26 January 2012

First Impressions - Manners on the Bahn

Apologies for not having a Week 2 blog, but it's so hard finding time to do this and also attend classes, study and hang out with the host family - as most of us know! Instead I will write 2 blogs later on (but not today).

My first few days at Stuttgart were pretty good. The people I met were very lovely. But now, being week 3, my opinion has started to slightly change. Or maybe I'm just not looking at it through new eyes/"rose coloured glasses."

Just like with every culture, there are nice and not so nice people. But each new day, I seem to come across more and more grumpy people here, like the ones on the Bahns or in some stores.

The biggest thing I'm struggling with here is the concept of stopping at the red pedestrian sign, especially when a child is waiting to cross, in order to teach them the importance. But, you wait with those people, cross the road, get on the Bahn and they sit down. The next stop, an old lady will get on with a walking stick or shopping bags and nobody makes an effort to get up. I saw a woman waiting with her two children to cross the road, even though there were no cars. We got on the U-Bahn and she sat down with them, on the packed U-Bahn. At the next stop, a little old lady gets on and this woman doesn't stand up or tell her children to stand up. Instead, I gave up by seat, because this is what I do at home also. I just don't understand the concept of teaching children one thing, but not another which in a way is related to it!

Another difference that I have noticed between here and Australia is the rudness from shop assistants. They sit on a chair all day, yet they are rude and they don't even put your things in a bag for you. You have to do it all yourself, and they can't even smile and say "Hallo. Wie gehts!" I was a checkout chick for a few years and most of them would not have work in Australia.

The difference between Germany and Australia, that I wish Australia had, is the quality of the food here!! OMG I can't walk past a bakery or a shop without walking in. I have to confess the I enjoy food shopping here more than clothes shopping!! The minute I walk in, put my little coin into the trolley and walk down the aisle, I get goosebumps. I want to buy and try everything!! So many differente chocolates and breads and youghurts. Not to mention that alcohol is sold in shops here. If I loved here, I would become a fat alcoholic!

For now, the food positive outweighs the negatives, but we'll see how I go once I start putting more weight on :)

Bis später

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Expectations for the next 6weeks

In all honesty, I don't know what to expect of the next six weeks.

When I originally signed up for the Winter Program, I wanted to learn more about myself - what I want in life, what I expect from others and what I hope to change within myself. However, since I've been travelling the last month, these questions have been answered for me, and my thoughts/opinions of things have changed. I guess I hope to maybe advance on this & get to know myself more.

In regards to my educational experience, I hope to develop more of my speaking side. I'm not confident in talking, but I think the next six weeks will be very useful for this, because my host mum doesn't speak English, so I have to completely speak to her in German, with the help of an online translator :)

So far, every German I have come across has been absolutely lovely, which is different to the typical stereotype we see in film and tv. They are very friendly and always happy to help with directions, etc.

In the end, I'm here to grow both intellectually and emotionally, so I hope that the next six weeks bring that, as well as laughter :)